Earl Howard Chase passed away Sunday, November 25, 2007 of Lung Cancer. Born November 14, 1924 in Roosevelt, MN
to Howard and Ruth (Johnson) Chase, Earl grew up near Lake of the Woods, working on his father's farm and others.
He kept up with his studies, even being sent to the Twin Cities to represent the county in a spelling bee. Shortly
after graduating from high school, he joined the Navy and served two and half years on an LST in the South Pacific
during WWII.
Starting as a bar boy at the Nicollet Hotel in the
early 50s, he worked as a bartender or bar manager for the rest of his career, next at the Boulevard, finally
settling in at the
Richfield Legion, Post 435, in 1967. He would work there for the next 40 years.
Earl was known for "making good time" when traveling
He is survived by his children, Mary and Bob, his sister, Bess (Lorence), daughter-in-law, Steph (Julich) Chase, and many
adoring nieces and nephews.
Funeral Services were held on Thursday, November 29 at Saint John Neumann Catholic Church
Internment ceremony was held November 30 at Fort Snelling Cemetery
Full Military Honors were presented by VFW Post 1296, Bloomington
This is the text of
one of the eulogies read at his funeral.