This was my first pure street bike. I bought it at Commonwealth Kawasaki, in Norfolk, Virginia, about five months before I got out of the Navy.
This was used, pretty basic, but in good shape. The only accessory I bought for it was a windscreen that bolted onto the bars. Even though the
screen was relatively cheap, and looked it, I would later be extremely thankful that I made that particular investment. I encountered many bugs
on my long meandering ride back to Minnesota and civilian life.

Tom, Steve, and Rob Fendler

An obviously staged photo as the Fendlers hope I don't damage the motorcycle.
I got to see Bob Hannah s future buddy, Keith Bowen, absolutely flying on his YZ250, Donny Schmit and Jeff Stanton go at it in the
100 class, and Danny Storbeck win three classes, shortly before the current limit of two classes was added to the rules.
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